Arven Jashari
Titel der Forschungsarbeit: Characterization of Two Laser-Based Rb-Atomic Magenetometers
School: TUM School of Natural Sciences
Department: Physik
Lehrstuhl: Lehrstuhl für Präzissionsmessungen bei extremen Bedingungen
Betreuung: Philipp Wunderl
Abstract der Forschungsarbeit
The goal of this thesis is the characterization of two laser based atomic magnetometers, that are commercially available and aims to assess their suitability in the field of magnetometry. After a brief explanation on the physical basics of optical atom-magnetometry, both sensors are individually tested in three different experiments, each covering behaviour in different magnetic fields to register and evaluate the necessary information and properties. Additionally typical mathematical and analytical methods have been applied to expand the range of qualitative statements about the sensors. The findings reveal that the FieldLine Scalar magnetometer manages to keep a sensitivity level below 1𝑝𝑇/√𝐻𝑧, consistently track and detect fields and changes (few 𝑛𝑇), whilst offering a higher sampling rate of up to 1𝑘 𝐻𝑧. The sensor therefore can be used for a broader field of applications such as in medical detection and physical research. The second sensor, QuSpin does not reach its stated sensitivity level of < 1𝑝𝑡/√𝐻𝑧 and loses the magnetic fields signature at certain magnitudes (< 0.8 × 106 𝑝𝑇) or changes of the field, while only reaching a sample rate of 400𝐻𝑧. Although having a lower standard deviation, is this sensor mostly suitable for geophysical research and mapping via air or for underwater surveys as the presented properties do not meet the criteria for high accuracy applications. The achieved knowledge can help in the assessing whether the presented sensors are of use for ones application as a sort of buying advice but also can be the basis for further investigations and in-depth analyses of the devices. Although the evaluation has been carried out with great care, such experiments or characterizations are often prone to systematic and human-induced errors in the analysis and conduct of experiments and need to be carefully evaluated and considered.