Paula Hallmann
Otto-von-Taube Gymnasium
Titel der Forschungsarbeit: Untersuchung und Einschätzung der Renaturierungsmaßnahmen auf der Gautinger Streuobstwiese – einer Salbei-Glatthaferwiese im ersten Jahr
School: TUM School of Life Sciences
Department: Life Science Systems
Lehrstuhl: Lehrstuhl für Renaturierungsökologie
Betreuung: Miriam Wiesmeier
Abstract der Forschungsarbeit
The leading cause of the major loss of grassland areas, which still hold relevance in ecological, economic, cultural and historical aspects today, is the ongoing conversion to agricultural land. (Gibson, 2009). Restoring intensively used grasslands and pastures is a complex process that relies on a specific set of conditions to be met. The purpose of this thesis is to assess the consequences of certain regenerative measures tested on an extensively managed orchard meadow in the Würmtal valley and to evaluate their efficacy regarding the development of the target vegetation, a Salvia-Arrhenatheretum meadow. To this end, surveys on the local vegetation were performed on ten plots in five areas, each with differing soil preparation and with differing seed density and amount. As to document the development of the vegetation, surveys were carried out before and after the introduction of the local seed mixture. For further insight the plots were photographically documented throughout the entire vegetation period.
While the average number of species in the uncultivated reference plot decreased during the period of investigation, the average total number of species in the cultivated test plots remained constant. Diversity of plant species on the cultivated plots decreased over that same period, although a high species turnover was recorded. More than half of the plant species found in the seed mixture were first detected during the survey in August, accounting for 43 percent coverage on their respective plots. After the first vegetation period, the plots on which with the cultivation measure Grubbing had been used showed the highest plant species diversity. When comparing the reference plot with the test plots, which used grubbing, milling or alternative mowing patterns, as well as when comparing grubbing with soil removal a significant discrepancy between the number of species was identified. No difference in species diversity was found between the plots with identical treatment and different seeding intensities. The results of this study should be interpreted with caution due to the limited timeframe of a singular growing cycle and due to methodological limitations.