Ritika Kishore
Titel der Forschungsarbeit: How to raise sports awareness in children and adolescents
Fakultät: Fakultät für Sport- und Gesundheitswissenschaften
Lehrstuhl: Professur für Sport- und Gesundheitsdidaktik
Betreuung: Christoph Mall und Daniel Scheller
Abstract der Forschungsarbeit
The purpose of this paper is to showcase the importance of physical activity (PA) and to address the issue of the declining rate of exercise among children and adolescents (CA). This article examines possible factors affecting CA’s current PA and shows the current PA level among CA.
We need to raise sports awareness in CA because they need less time to learn and adapt to new things than adults. With increased age, it gets more challenging to establish habits.
Our industrial world is filled with many problems like excessive gadget use, unhealthy diets, and insufficient nature, like more cities with fewer parks. These might be a few factors that play a role in the way CA exercise less and how healthy they are. Therefore, we need to take measures and try to increase sports awareness. For that, we did a cross-sectional study and tried to understand the current status of exercise in CA. Further, we tried to find solutions to encourage CA to do more sports. We wanted to know where the CA play and exercise and how they perceive their environment. We conducted interviews (WALKI-MUC project) between ages six to 17 and workshops (PAKTan project) with children from daycare to collect the data. Both projects worked with children of different ages. We compared how younger and older children perceive their environment differently and which conditions they need for being physically active. We found out that age plays a massive role in exercise and that we must first consider the age of any individual before we try to do anything else. Even the environment where children and adolescents exercise or play is also connected with their age. Ultimately, we cannot define a universal solution to increase sports awareness, but we can implement different approaches a few things, like putting CA in sports clubs or encouraging sports more in schools. These things might encourage physical activity in children and adolescents.
With our gained knowledge, we can think of new ways to improve the environment in order to provide PA friendly places for CA to exercise.