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Abstract – Anzeigenoptimierung von Fahrerassistenzsystemen zur Unterstützung des vorausschauenden Fahrens

With more and more cars on the road and increasing energy prices the topic of „energy efficiency“ has come to the forefront. Because of this, new systems have been designed to consume less fuel. On the other hand, these systems are used to assist drivers in anticipatory driving.

Head-up Displays (HUD) are the most common means of displaying an advanced driver assistance system (ADAS). Although there are many ADAS on the market, they are usually cluttered and confuse drivers because of a redundancy in the use of common symbols. In addition, almost every car manufacturer has its own icon and task field for the ADAS.

Therefore, the aim of this research is to display only the ADAS which give drivers feedback and at the same time unifying the symbols. This raises the question: How can the systems be combined to easier present the relevant information, have a cleaner appearance, and to minimise drivers distraction?

First, it should be researched which ADAS are to be displayed in the HUD. Using the software package SILAB the best possible display will be modelled and implemented in the Static Driving Simulator. The test subjects have to master different traffic situations on a predetermined test route. The diversion of the test drivers is evaluated through various measuring methods.

According to the questionnaire given to the test subjects, the display was rated as helpful, supportive and very useful. The display did not unsafely divert the individuals’ attention and many of the test subjects would use a HUD in their vehicle in order to increase safety while driving.