/* Das ist der Code, damit das Akkordeon geschlossen angezeigt wird. */ /* Das ist der Code, um offene Akkordeons wieder schließen zu können */

Internship Report: iwis (Shanghai, China)

My internship at iwis Shanghai was not only interesting because I gained a deep insight into the processes within the company, but also challenging because not everything was easy. Therefore my time was great, certainly due to the fact that I spent it in Shanghai, a city where Chinese tradition collides with the strong will of a nation to be considered as equal to the USA or to Europe.

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Internship Report: CSDN (Beijing, China)

In July, I went on a three-week internship with CSDN in Beijing. CSDN (or CSDN.NET), self-described as „China’s biggest software knowledge group“, provides various services like web and blog hosting as well as forums as a method to ask fellow developers for help to the Chinese software developer community.

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Internship Report: BYU (USA)

Together with 6 other students from my TUMKolleg, I went on a three week internship to Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, Utah, USA. We stayed with guest families, and together with physics professor Dr. Justin Peatross, we experienced interesting scientific and recreational activities.

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