School of Natural Sciences
Hier findest du die Arbeiten, die unter der School of Natural Sciences seit 2022 verfasst wurden. Diese sind nach den einzelnen Lehrstühlen geordnet.
Die School of Natural Sciences besteht aus den Departments Chemie, Physik und Biosciences.
Lehrstuhl für Technische Elektrochemie
Auswirkungen von Verpressung und Beschichtung mit Niobat auf NCM851005-basierten Kathoden in Flüssigelektrolytbatterien (2023)
– Paul Schmitt, OvTG
WACKER-Lehrstuhl für Makromolekulare Chemie
Entwicklung eines Portfolios an Versuchen zur Polymerchemie im Rahmen des TUM–Entdeckerinnen–Programms (2023)
Lehrstuhl für Anorganische Chemie mit Schwerpunkt Neue Materialien
Optimierung der Kryptandsynthese (2023)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Versuchsreihen durchgeführt, wobei verschiedene Parameter der Synthese von (2.2.2.) Kryptand variiert wurden. Dabei wurden die Konzentration, das verwendete Metallcarbonat sowie das Lösungsmittel variiert. Mitthilfe von NMR Spektroskopie wurden die Ergebnisse ausgewertet. Aus den gewonnenen Daten ergibt sich, dass Acetonitril besser als Lösungsmittel geeignet ist als Aceton und THF. Aus allen fünf
untersuchten Metallcarbonaten ist Natriumcarbonat am besten zur Bildung von Kryptand geeignet, die anderen Carbonate, wie Lithiumcarbonat, Calciumcarbonat, Bariumcarbonat und Kaliumcarbonat, weisen geringeren Umsatz und eine unsaubere Bildung auf.
Außerdem ist zu erkennen, dass niedrigere Konzentrationen tendenziell zu einer Erhöhung der Ausbeute sowie zu einer guten Reinheit des Kryptands führen.
Professur für Synthese und Charakterisierung innovativer Materialien
Synthese und Charakterisierung Polyacrylnitril basierter Festkörperelektrolyte (2022)
In this work, solid-state polymer electrolyte membranes based on polyethylene oxide and polyacrylonitrile, prepared with lithium tetrafluoroborate (LiBF4) or lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (LiTFSI) and plasticizer 1,2 propylene carbonates (PC) in different compositions were prepared. The influence of different parameters on polymer solid electrolytes was investigated and the respective three fabrication methods electrospinning, hot pressing and solution casting were compared. The morphology of the synthesized membranes was investigated using X-ray diffraction, potentiostatic impedance spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. The goal was to produce a simple-to-manufacture membrane with good mechanical properties for processing and high conductivity. The hot-pressed and solution-cast membranes were very brittle, inhomogeneous, and thick, making them difficult to analyze and process. They also had significantly increased crystallinity compared to electrospun membranes, which meant they would exhibit low conductivity. In contrast, the electrospun membranes were flexible and amorphous, resulting in a conductivity of up to 3.4 *10 -5 S/cm, which is two orders of magnitude smaller compared to liquid batteries. In addition, LITFSI was found to give higher conductivities than LiBF4 in electrospun membranes. For membranes with LITFSI, conductivities were determined to be three orders of magnitude greater than the membrane with LiBF4. In order to increase the conductivity, the plasticizer content was increased, which caused a more homogeneous distribution or solution of the conducting salt in the membrane and increased the amorphousness, which is expected to increase the conductivity, since in Polyethylenglycol (PEO) membranes ion transport is favored in the amorphous regions.
Professur für organische Chemie
Visualisierung von Average-Hamiltonian-Theory-Kurven mithilfe von Sphere Tracing (2022)
In quantum control, mathematical control theory as well as numerical optimization are employed in order to find optimal ways of manipulating quantum systems, which is particularly important in quantum-driven fields of research such as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The results of said optimizations boast great robustness and stability, but their numerical nature makes them somewhat hard to reason about, which is eased by the geometric abstraction present in visualizations.
Several solutions for visualizing optimized NMR pulse sequences have been proposed in the past, one of which are three-dimensional Average Hamiltonian Theory (AHT) curves.
This thesis presents the real-time rendering of such AHT curves by sphere tracing a signed distance field representation of the curves‘ implicit geometry. It also suggests several performance optimization techniques: First, bounding volumes are used as a means to reduce SDF evaluation complexity as curves grow larger. Second, selective ray tracing of screen-spanning planes significantly accelerates ray convergence across large amounts of pixels.
For different visualization purposes, distinct shaders implement Phong and Fake IBL lighting models with axis-aligned cast shadows as well as a newly developed disc sector SDF for alternate curve geometry.
Real-time renderings of reasonably complex, real-world AHT curves are demonstrated using a curve construction algorithm built into the renderer.
– Jonas Grau, WHG
AG Hochenergie Astrophysik
Bestimmung der Entfernung des Röntgendoppelsterns 4U 1630-47 mithilfe des Röntgenteleskops Chandra und des Radioteleskops APEX (2024)
The aim of this research work is to determine the distance to the X-ray binary 4U 1630-47. Astronomical distance determination is generally difficult, as there are only a few reference points for the distance of such objects. This X-ray source had an X-ray outburst that was observed both directly and via a scattering molecular cloud. The scattered X-rays form a halo around the source. Using observations from Chandra and APEX, I have compared the structure of the halo and the molecular clouds in the line of sight to 4U 1630-47, which indicates that a molecular cloud with a radial velocity of -79 km/s is mainly responsible for the scattering of the X-rays forming the halo. The determination of the distance using the Galactic Rotation Curve of this molecular cloud resulted in two different values due to the near-fardistance ambiguity: 4.7 kpc and 10.3 kpc. I found another cloud with a radial velocity of -105 km/s, which seems to have absorbed part of the X-rays from the halo, meaning it has to be between Earth and the scattering cloud. This cloud’s distance from Earth is found to be at least 6.2 kpc. Thus, the cloud with a radial velocity of -79 km/s is most likely at the far distance, because the near distance is lower than the distance of the absorbing cloud. The distance to 4U 1630-47 can be determined from the time difference between the observation of the X-ray burst and the observation of the halo and the extent of the halo using geometry. The resulting distance is 11.0 kpc ± 0.8 kpc.
Experimentelle Astroteilchenphysik
Optimierung von Machine-Learning-Parametern zur Hintergrundunterdrückung für die Suche nach dem DSNB in JUNO (2024)
Lehrstuhl für Collective Quantum Dynamics
Quantifizierung der Verschränkung durch die von Neumann’sche Verschränkungsentropie (2024)
Professur für Bauchemie
Karbonatisierung von Calciumhydroxid- Etablierung von Experimenten zur Messung der Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit aus der Gewichtszunahme und der Effekt der Porosität und des Wassergehalts auf die Karbonatisierung (2024)
Die Herstellung von Zement ist global gesehen für 8% der menschengemachten CO2- Emissionen verantwortlich. Deshalb ist die Suche nach einem klimaneutralen Ersatz eine der wichtigsten Themen der Bauchemie. Portlandit (Ca(OH)2) ist ein Baustoff, der freiwillig mit CO2 aus der Luft reagiert und dabei Calciumcarbonat, ein stabiles Bindemittel, formt. Daher ist dieser Stoff besonders geeignet, als CO2 neutraler oder sogar CO2 negativer Baustoff eingesetzt zu werden. Die Reaktionskinetik bestimmen zu können, ist dabei ein wichtiger Schritt, um das Grundverständnis der Karbonatisierung von Portlandit zu Calciumcarbonat zu vertiefen. In dieser Arbeit wurde eine Methode etabliert, wie mithilfe einer Waage die Gewichtsveränderung während der Karbonatisierung von Portlandit bestimmt und daraus die Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit errechnet werden konnte. Um den Einfluss des Wasser-zuFeststoff-Verhältnisses (w/s) von Portlanditkörpern auf die Karbonatisierung zu erforschen, wurden Grünkörper2 mit verschiedenen w/s hergestellt und unter erhöhter CO2- Konzentration carbonatisiert. In dem Bereich von w/s = 0,45 bis 0,55 stieg die Druckfestigkeit mit höherem w/s. Dies könnte sowohl am höheren w/s, als auch an den unterschiedlichen Porositäten liegen. Zudem wurden Grünkörper mit unterschiedlicher Porosität hergestellt, indem Grünkörper aus einer fließfähigen Suspension gegossen wurden und getrocknet wurden, damit ein Teil des Wassers verdampft und Poren hinterlässt
Lehrstuhl für Präzissionsmessungen bei extremen Bedingungen
Characterization of Two Laser-Based Rb-Atomic Magenetometers (2024)
The goal of this thesis is the characterization of two laser based atomic magnetometers, that are commercially available and aims to assess their suitability in the field of magnetometry. After a brief explanation on the physical basics of optical atom-magnetometry, both sensors are individually tested in three different experiments, each covering behaviour in different magnetic fields to register and evaluate the necessary information and properties. Additionally typical mathematical and analytical methods have been applied to expand the range of qualitative statements about the sensors. The findings reveal that the FieldLine Scalar magnetometer manages to keep a sensitivity level below 1𝑝𝑇/√𝐻𝑧, consistently track and detect fields and changes (few 𝑛𝑇), whilst offering a higher sampling rate of up to 1𝑘 𝐻𝑧. The sensor therefore can be used for a broader field of applications such as in medical detection and physical research. The second sensor, QuSpin does not reach its stated sensitivity level of < 1𝑝𝑡/√𝐻𝑧 and loses the magnetic fields signature at certain magnitudes (< 0.8 × 106 𝑝𝑇) or changes of the field, while only reaching a sample rate of 400𝐻𝑧. Although having a lower standard deviation, is this sensor mostly suitable for geophysical research and mapping via air or for underwater surveys as the presented properties do not meet the criteria for high accuracy applications. The achieved knowledge can help in the assessing whether the presented sensors are of use for ones application as a sort of buying advice but also can be the basis for further investigations and in-depth analyses of the devices. Although the evaluation has been carried out with great care, such experiments or characterizations are often prone to systematic and human-induced errors in the analysis and conduct of experiments and need to be carefully evaluated and considered.
Werner-Siemens Lehrstuhl für Synthetische Biotechnologie
Isolation and Identification of Red Algae Cultures from Environmental Sample Obtained from Mediterranean Sea (2024)
Objective of this study is the isolation and identification of three strains of red algae from an environmental sample that was taken from approximately 20 Meters depth in the Mediterranean Sea in Croatia in September 2021.
The environmental sample contained mostly Corallinaceen, so it was expected that the three isolates would be the filamentous form of the coralline red algae. However, microscopic images of one of the isolates showed a spiral-like structure that would be atypical for eukaryotic algae and much rather reminiscent of the cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis, commonly referred to as Spirulina. Arthrospira platensis has been legally admitted as a food additive in Germany for a long time. This already obtained legal status would make an introduction of a different Arthrospira strain to the food industry much less difficult than it normally is. The prospect of one of the isolates being such a Spirulina strain, one that is coloured red instead of the ubiquitous green algae, makes the identification of the two strains very interesting. In an attempt to obtain an axenic culture, the cultures were recultivated and treated with different antimicrobial substances, like antibiotics or lysozyme. To identify the algae and ascertain whether one of the isolates is an Arthrospira strain or not, and whether the three cultures contain the same strain, DNA was extracted, specific phylogenetic marker genes sequenced, and a BLAST search was performed.